Composer, activist, interdisciplinary artist, curator. Born in 1992 in Gdynia, Poland. The synthesis of different musical genres is a characteristic feature of his work, and Ryterski himself calls this practice genrebending. Over the past few years, this artist has also eagerly ventured beyond the conventions of music itself, creating interdisciplinary works at the intersection of performance and theater. His art thematically revolves around the concept of identity, cultural phenomena specific to the LGBTQ+ community, and the exposure of violent mechanisms. In 2021 he was nominated for a Paszport Polityki prize in the Classical Music category, for introducing the LGBTQ+ themes to polish contemporary music.
He graduated in composition with the multimedia specialty at University of Music of Fryderyk Chopin in Warsaw (2017, with Krzysztof Baculewski, Barbara Okoń-Makowska, Sławomir Wojciechowski) and in the classical composition at The Royal Academy of Music in Aarhus (with Juliana Hodkinson, Simon Steen-Andersen and Niels Rønsholdt). He also serves as a lecturer, participating in various symposiums and projects as a specialist in composition, sound art, and technology (Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw, 2016-2017; Elementi, Kraków, 2017 and 2022; Polish-Japanese Academy of IT, since 2020). Ryterski's music can be heard in concert halls as well as clubs - he has released two albums to date (Tears are the Diamonds of the Soul, BAS label, 2021, and Gaymers’ Cheatsheet, Pointless Geometry label, 2022). Additionally, he creates theatre soundtracks and has collaborated with directors such as Kuba Kowalski, Marta Górnicka, Agnieszka Jakimiak/Mateusz Atman, Aga Błaszczak and Anna Obszańska.
Ryterski's music is performed at various concerts and festivals in Europe - e. g. Unsound festival (Kraków, 2019), Warsaw Autumn (Warsaw 2016-2024), Kunstfest Weimar (Weimar 2022), Kody (Lublin, 2018, 2022), Elementi (Cracow, 2017, 2022), Darmstadt Ferienkurse (Darmstadt, 2018 and 2022), Panorama festival (Aarhus, 2018, 2019), Pulsar festival (Copenhagen, 2018, 2019), Digital Revolution in Music festival (Warsaw, 2015), 6th New Music Days (Gdańsk, 2016), Idealistic festival (Copenhagen, 2019), and many more. He also organizes large music events on his own, such as Atlas/Łąka concert (Warsaw, 2015, with the Academic Choir of Warsaw University), the Anonymous opera, which Ryterski composed (Warsaw, 2017), Robots, Arduino and Game Over (in collaboration with Kwartludium and Teoniki Rożynek, Cracow, Gdańsk and Warsaw, 2019) or We’re here (curated concert, in collaboration with Katarzyna Kalwat, Warsaw Autumn festival 2021, the very first LGBTQ-focused concert in Poland). He is also creating multimedia installations, using Max/MSP software (Silence Inside with Anna Sincini, 2015), SuperCollider (Suns with Łukasz Radziszewski, 2017) and Arduino/Raspberry Pi (Katyń. Teoria Barw, theatre play directed by Wojciech Faruga, with music by Teoniki Rożynek).